


Walk-in arraignments are now available in-person at the 70th 地方法院! 请利用以下时间:

  • 星期二至五(节假日除外):
    • 上午:上午8:30 - 11:00
    • 下午:下午1:30至4:00

注意: If Monday falls on a holiday, walk-in arraignments will not be available on Tuesday.


许多针对民事违规的交通罚款都是由法律规定的 好安排 用邮件付款时用哪一种. 如果你打算承认对民事侵权负有责任, 你可以参考罚款时间表了解罚款金额. That amount should be sent to the Court along with the signed admission of responsibility as explained on the back of your ticket. 法院也接受万事达卡,VISA和Discover信用卡. 了解更多关于付款方式的信息.


Many traffic offenses which are not serious enough to be classified as crimes, 但严重到应该受到除监禁以外的制裁, 是否被立法机关认定为民事违法行为. They include minor traffic violations such as speeding and parking violations.

A person who has a civil infraction ticket may have an informal hearing before the Magistrate unless a formal hearing is specifically requested. 一个人在非正式听证会上不可以由律师代表. An appeal from the determination at an informal hearing may be taken to a 地方法院 Judge. The amount of the fine must be posted as a bond at the time the appeal is filed.

任何人可要求在区域法院法官前举行正式聆讯. A formal hearing takes place under rules more closely resembling those of a trial. 正式听证受基本实体法的约束, 法律规定:法律规定或惯例, 过程, 恳求, 还有证据规则. A party may appeal a formal hearing determination to the 巡回法院.

Click on the following topics for more information regarding civil infractions:


If a person fails to comply with an order or judgment issued for fines and 成本 for a civil infraction violation, 在法院规定的期限内, 在完全遵守规定之前,驾驶执照将被吊销. 换句话说, failure to comply results in a default for which sanctions are imposed-license suspension is but one.

判决不服二十八日以上的, the court gives the defendant one final opportunity to resolve the matter. 法院通过向被告发出14天的遵守通知来做到这一点. 如果被告在额外的14天内仍未遵守, 法院会通知国务卿, 谁应该吊销被告的执照. The suspension remains in effect until the defendant satisfies the judgment and pays a license reinstatement fee.

A default judgment may be set aside upon a persons request if the Court is satisfied that there is good cause for the non-appearance of the person and that the person has a meritorious defense to the charge. 要撤销缺席判决,当事人必须填写并提交 撤销缺席判决的动议 -民事违规,并支付5美元的费用.00.


If a person has had their driver's license suspended for failure to appear in court (FAC) or for failure to pay a judgment (FCJ), the person must appear in court and/or pay the judgment before their driving privileges are reinstated. The person is also required to 购买 a clearance card for the 国务卿 to reinstate their license. 清关卡的费用是45美元.00.

如果他的驾照被国务卿吊销了, the person must contact the 国务卿 for reinstatement of their license. The Court does not have jurisdiction to give the person a restricted license unless the Court imposed the suspension. 看到的, 国务卿.


根据密歇根法律, drivers may face a separate fee after they are convicted or found responsible for certain traffic offenses. This fee is in addition to any other fine or 点球 imposed by the court. The court furnishes information about the traffic offense to the Michigan Department of State. 密歇根州国务院, 反过来, posts the offense to the driving record and forwards the fee information to the Michigan Department of Treasury for collection. Fee notices are then mailed to drivers from the Michigan Department of Treasury.

The Driver Responsibility Program calls for monetary sanctions for drivers who:

  • Accumulate seven or more qualifying points on their driving records, or
  • 是否有特定的违法行为.

你可以阅读更多的费用评估由 密歇根州的司机责任法.


“法院可以免除罚款, 成本, 和费用, 依照法令或法院的规定, 或者纠正笔误.MCR 4.101(F)(4).

The court shall waive civil fines and 成本 under the following circumstances:

  • 有缺陷的安全设备违规-如果写在MCL 257.683; MSA 9.2385, "upon receipt of certification by a law enforcement agency that repair of the defective equipment was made before the appearance date of the citation.MCL 257.907(9); MSA 9.2607(9).

  • 对于违反儿童约束的行为——“如果这个人, 在引证上的出庭日期之前, 向法庭提供取得的证据, 购买, or rental of a child seating system meeting the [statutory] requirements....MCL 257.907(12); MSA 9.2607(12).

  • For failing to produce a valid registration certificate - "upon receipt of a certification by a law enforcement agency that the person, 在引证上的出庭日期之前, produced a valid registration certificate that was valid on the date the violation ...发生.MCL 257.907(14); MSA 9.2607(14).

  • For failing to possess license while operating vehicle - "upon receipt of certification by a law enforcement agency that the person, 在引证上的出庭日期之前, has produced his or her operator's or chauffeur's license and that the license was valid on the date the violation ... 发生.MCL 257.901a; MSA 9.2601(1).


Many traffic offenses are misdemeanors which may carry a maximum 点球 of a fine or jail ranging from a maximum of 90 days to 1 year in jail. All misdemeanor traffic offenses are heard by a judge and the defendant must appear in Court to be arraigned of the ticket. 如果被告对指控不认罪, the judge will set a bond to insure the defendant's appearance at the next proceeding. Depending on the type of case, the matter will then be set for pre-trial or trial. The defendant must appear in court when notified or a bench warrant may be issued for the person's arrest. If the defendant pleads guilty to the charge or is found guilty, the judge will impose a sentence. The matter may also be referred to the 缓刑 Department for a pre-sentence report prior to sentencing.


停车罚单 are also handled by the Court and the 过程s are the same as set forth above for civil infractions.


根据MCL 600.4801和600.4803, 逾期20%的罚款适用于任何总费用, 费用, 点球, or civil violation which has not been paid 56 days after the amount is due.


搜寻地区交通事故个案 & 摘要